
Monday, August 19, 2019

Jim dine artwork

Walt: Learn to draw a Jim dine artwork.

description: Today we watched tutorials to learn how to draw Jim done artwork.

question: Do you like my artwork?

abstract art jake sculdies

abstract artwork jake sculdies

description:This is my abstract charcoal art originally made by Jake schedules but I copied it, its sideways to. If you want more information on Jake schedules/artist click on this link, I hope you my artwork.

reflection: I enjoyed doing this artwork I would definitely do this again.

Question: Do you like my artwork.

Friday, August 9, 2019

The chocolate touch

The chocolate touch

plot-kid gos to chocolate shop, wastes all the money goes to shop can't afford it, goes to mom says sorry, relieses its a dream.

One Saturday morning an average boy called John wick woke up feeling slightly hungry so he got dressed and came to the living room. “Hey mom” john said ‘oh hey john’. “Oh yeah john can you go to the shop and get some groceries” “yeah sure “ “here's some money” thanks “oh and don’t buy any chocolate” OK but John didn’t really care he would do anything for chocolate. When John was walking he thought about a chocolate bar just thinking about it made him drool but he also thought about his mum telling him to buy groceries not chocolate. When John was walking he noticed a shop it almost looked like it was shining gold but it was a normal shop until he discovered it was a chocolate shop he tried to keep walking but he hesitated He couldn't not get a little bar so he walked in. It was impossible to choose one chocolate bar so i'm going to get two Chomp the first bite felt it will last forever but it only took a single minute to devour both of the chocolate bars but John wasn’t done yet he got more chocolate bars until he couldn't eat more. After that he left the shop looking like a pregnant baboon. Off john went Leaping slowly still recovering from the chocolate bars, “hey look it's the grocery store john said he galloped into the store got the stuff and went to the counter and checked the price. “Fourteen dollars fifty please”  just a sec oh no “never mind i can't afford it sorry” its OK. He walked disappointed in himself All he was saying was “what have I done” John was scared to scared to think about his mother, her feelings,her face. John had arrived he felt he was trespassing but somehow he had the courage to tell her he spend all the money on chocolate. John felt the frosty handle all he had to do was twist the doorknob and his mom would be sitting on the couch looking at him disappointed. OK on the count to three ONE TWO THREE ahhh im sorry mum I spent all the money on chocolate and couldn't afford it im sorry. “This is a dream” wait what.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

photography practise

Walt: learn about camera/angle shots.

description- On Thursday the 8th of August whaea Donna came to teach us about camera shots/angles for our upcoming movie. My friend Dylan helped me take the photos.

 Reflection- Me and my friend enjoyed doing these pictures but we could of have taken better shots and more photos.

We used web toy to take our photos.

question: What photo did you like most mine was the spy cam.

Monday, August 5, 2019

plan a screencastify

WALT plan a screencastify We worked with Whaea Donna learning how to create and plan a screencastify. on Thursday we teamed up with whaea Donna and learned how to grab stuff from the web and see if the copyright usage on the photo is eligible. if you want more information look at my slide i inserted. reflection: if i would do this again i will be more focused and not talking to friends.