
Thursday, May 30, 2019

Hi I'm cash and today i will be doing my animation that I made on google slides. It was really cool to create a animation with Whaea Donna, when she came in and did her cybersmart lesson. Before Whaea Donna told us about making animations, I didn't know we could make animations on google slides, but I'm glad that Whaea Donna told us about it because I really enjoyed making it! When I was making my animation, I learnt that if you copy and paste the slides with little differences then your animation will turn out a lot like a GIF. The only differences would be that you have to change slides by yourself instead of it being like a GIF in how they just replay themselves over and over again. I also learnt that it looks better on your animation if you do one word instead of a sentence per slide. This is how i learned to make a animation on google slides. 1: Create a new google slide and give it a title. 2: Decide on what you want your animation to be about, (decide the plot or the story). 3: Add your first slide, and download a picture to be your background. 4: On that first slide download a few PNG characters from the internet to star in your story. 5: Add in your background and the characters that you downloaded and add some speech bubbles or captions if you want. 6: Copy and paste your slide then on you second slide make some changes then copy and paste that slide ectr,. I hope you liked my animation

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Roy Lichtenstein artwork

                                              this is my Roy Lichtenstein art