
Thursday, May 30, 2019

Hi I'm cash and today i will be doing my animation that I made on google slides. It was really cool to create a animation with Whaea Donna, when she came in and did her cybersmart lesson. Before Whaea Donna told us about making animations, I didn't know we could make animations on google slides, but I'm glad that Whaea Donna told us about it because I really enjoyed making it! When I was making my animation, I learnt that if you copy and paste the slides with little differences then your animation will turn out a lot like a GIF. The only differences would be that you have to change slides by yourself instead of it being like a GIF in how they just replay themselves over and over again. I also learnt that it looks better on your animation if you do one word instead of a sentence per slide. This is how i learned to make a animation on google slides. 1: Create a new google slide and give it a title. 2: Decide on what you want your animation to be about, (decide the plot or the story). 3: Add your first slide, and download a picture to be your background. 4: On that first slide download a few PNG characters from the internet to star in your story. 5: Add in your background and the characters that you downloaded and add some speech bubbles or captions if you want. 6: Copy and paste your slide then on you second slide make some changes then copy and paste that slide ectr,. I hope you liked my animation


  1. Hey Cash, my name is Vraja and I am a student in Learning Hub nine at Gisborne Intermediate School. I really like the fact that you made a slideshow. It made me think of my old attempts at animation. Humor isn’t always necessary in places it’s not needed if it ruins the story you are trying to convey. If you would like to see my learning, my blog is

  2. Hey Cash my name is Dale from Paihia School I really like your animation. I liked your animation because it was funny. My favorite part of the animation was the ending because at the end he had a dance party and I like dance parties. How long did it take you to create that animation? I think that you are really creative. Bye.

  3. Hi Cash, my name is Zhynaliyah I am a year 8 student from Paihia School. I really enjoy watching your animation. My favorite part of your animation was the car because I really like cars. Next time maybe you can check your post with the teacher before you post. Quick question do you like making animations and why?
    Also I really like how creative you are with your animations. Keep up the good work bye.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hey Cash my name is Darrius and I go to Paihia School. I really enjoyed your animation, it was quite funny. The part I like about your animation was when the stick man was on the boat, then he fell in the water, and the boat had thug life glasses. I also loved the part when the stick man had a super sport car with an emoji on it. That part was the funniest. You brought me back to when I use to play G.T.A (Grand Theft Auto). I really enjoyed laughing at the animation that you made. Did you enjoy making your blog post? See you next time. goodbye.
