
Wednesday, June 26, 2019

league day 5 court game

league day 5 passes and catches

   description: today we played league with our two coaches and we learned some skills and drills. First we had to split up in teams of half then some people had to be sub which means stay out till you get called to come back on. Our team lost but it was close at the end our coaches asked if the boys wanted to professionally do league and train for the nationals I did like league but not enough so I said no.

Did I enjoy it: I diffidently enjoyed playing with my team and holding the ball  I got a few runs but sadly didn't get a goal but some people almost did for an example my friend Dylan he was running like crazy around the court. At the end i learned some names of positions.

reflection: If I would ever do this again i would want to improve on teamwork and and overall skill
to be honest I liked the other team they had more skill.

what we learned:
4.To play league

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