
Thursday, September 19, 2019

internet awesome

       Internet awesome
WALT:we are learning to if a websites real or fake

Today on cyber smart we learned how to identify if a website is a scam or not. the first way to tell if its a scam or not is if its secure, if its secure its safe if its insecure it is fake. The second way to tell if its fake is the spelling if its spelled wrong its most likely fake. and another way to tell is if the URL is spelled right.

reflection: I liked identifying if its fake or real and I would do this again.

question have you ever found a fake website comment down.

Thursday, September 5, 2019


Walt: to learn and explain a netiquette

This Thursday whaea Donna came to talk to us about netiquette, at first i didn't know what it meant but now i do, netiquette is when being respectful to people online and kind. this image was made on google drawing it was easy.

reflection: i enjoyed doing this but i wouldn't do this again.

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