
Friday, May 29, 2020

pointillism apple with sketch pen dots pointillism

pointillism Apple with sketch pen dots

walt:to draw apple using pointillism

Today on the may 28 I learned how to create a sketch pen pointillism art heres how I did it.

how we did it:
Mr Pickard our teacher had made a YouTube playlist full of art I recently had done the illusion triangle and decided to work on this pointillism apple heres how I did it. First I watched the video to learn how to do pointillism as it was new to me, I watched a few other videos about pointillism and how to get the shape of the apple, once l had gotten a descent looking shape I drew the leaf and the core, then I started the pointillism, it was a long process of dotting  but I finished it and this is the finished product.

reflection:I really enjoyed making a pointillism apple and I would do it again.

question: do you like my art? what could i have done to make it better.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

3D illusion triangle

title 3D illusion triangle

Walt: draw in 3D art Tuesday

Today I learned how to create a 3D art using a pencil  here's how I did it.

On Monday our teacher Mr pickard told us to watch some 3D art videos I chose a optical illusion triangle, it was really simple and easy to make and I recommend you try to make it it took about one day of drawing and measuring and I hope you liked my art.

What you need:
pencil vivid, paper and ruler if needed.

Reflection: I really enjoyed making this art and I will do this again and improve like making the shading better.

Question: do you like my art how could I improve it?