
Tuesday, November 3, 2020

acrylic pour paint art


                                             title:acrylic pour paint art.

                           Walt: create a acrylic pour paint art.

    introduction: a few weeks ago we created a acrylic pour paint on a mdf piece made form acrylic pour ill tell you what we did to make this and what you will need to produce this piece of art.

    what I did and how I made it.
   first I painted 1 layer of white paint then once its dried i got a plastic cup and filled it with a variety of colors multiple times.once thats done I put the mdf on the cup and then slowly emptied the colors out of the
cup.then you move the mdf around the sides so the paint spreads everywhere around the mdf and let it dry.
and then boom you have your acrylic paint pour.

materials needed:
mdf board,varieties of paint and a plastic cup.

reflection: i reckon I could of spreaded it out more so it would fill the entire board.

question:do you like my artwork? if you do why?

Friday, May 29, 2020

pointillism apple with sketch pen dots pointillism

pointillism Apple with sketch pen dots

walt:to draw apple using pointillism

Today on the may 28 I learned how to create a sketch pen pointillism art heres how I did it.

how we did it:
Mr Pickard our teacher had made a YouTube playlist full of art I recently had done the illusion triangle and decided to work on this pointillism apple heres how I did it. First I watched the video to learn how to do pointillism as it was new to me, I watched a few other videos about pointillism and how to get the shape of the apple, once l had gotten a descent looking shape I drew the leaf and the core, then I started the pointillism, it was a long process of dotting  but I finished it and this is the finished product.

reflection:I really enjoyed making a pointillism apple and I would do it again.

question: do you like my art? what could i have done to make it better.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

3D illusion triangle

title 3D illusion triangle

Walt: draw in 3D art Tuesday

Today I learned how to create a 3D art using a pencil  here's how I did it.

On Monday our teacher Mr pickard told us to watch some 3D art videos I chose a optical illusion triangle, it was really simple and easy to make and I recommend you try to make it it took about one day of drawing and measuring and I hope you liked my art.

What you need:
pencil vivid, paper and ruler if needed.

Reflection: I really enjoyed making this art and I will do this again and improve like making the shading better.

Question: do you like my art how could I improve it?

Thursday, September 19, 2019

internet awesome

       Internet awesome
WALT:we are learning to if a websites real or fake

Today on cyber smart we learned how to identify if a website is a scam or not. the first way to tell if its a scam or not is if its secure, if its secure its safe if its insecure it is fake. The second way to tell if its fake is the spelling if its spelled wrong its most likely fake. and another way to tell is if the URL is spelled right.

reflection: I liked identifying if its fake or real and I would do this again.

question have you ever found a fake website comment down.

Thursday, September 5, 2019


Walt: to learn and explain a netiquette

This Thursday whaea Donna came to talk to us about netiquette, at first i didn't know what it meant but now i do, netiquette is when being respectful to people online and kind. this image was made on google drawing it was easy.

reflection: i enjoyed doing this but i wouldn't do this again.

do you like my work?

Monday, August 19, 2019

Jim dine artwork

Walt: Learn to draw a Jim dine artwork.

description: Today we watched tutorials to learn how to draw Jim done artwork.

question: Do you like my artwork?

abstract art jake sculdies

abstract artwork jake sculdies

description:This is my abstract charcoal art originally made by Jake schedules but I copied it, its sideways to. If you want more information on Jake schedules/artist click on this link, I hope you my artwork.

reflection: I enjoyed doing this artwork I would definitely do this again.

Question: Do you like my artwork.