
Tuesday, July 2, 2019

gabriel moreno art

Gabriel Moreno
Walt: learn to make a Gabriel Moreno

   Description:  last term we made these awesome arts called Gabriel Moreno they were really fun to make as you can see this ones my Gabriel Moreno Its OK but not the best. today ill will be showing you the process of creating the Gabriel Moreno artwork.

How we did it: first our teacher Mr Pickard took a photo of us  then we had to trace it on the window then we drawed some patterns on the sketch then we coloured it in with a vivid to darken it for full affect and thats it just puts some finishing touches.

Reflection: doing this art was fun I would difintly do this again.

Monday, July 1, 2019

writing narrative #3 the ghostly forest


    This is my unfinished writing ive been working on for the past 3 days.For this writing we had to         find a good story to write about on pobble 365 and I chose the ghostly forest we called it a writing       narrative or a writing purpose. Then we had to start writing we only had 2-3 days to finish it and I        didn't hopefully in the future i'll get to finish it and make it even better. 

   how we did it: it was pretty easy first go to pobble 365 and find a story to write about. After you've     written it just go to blogger and write a description like this one.